Le mercredi 21 mars 2012 à 23:54 +0100, Peter Stuge a écrit :
> I find that quite offensive. Why don't you focus on the code?

At present I focus on building a farm compiling packages. 10 days x 10
hours a day to set-up the hardware and software and this is far from

I admit to use sarcasm during this public discussion. You know, I am a
big fan of Sheldon Cooper (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheldon_Cooper)
but I would not like to be part of his team for free software

What you are proposing us is writing a pure software with zero bugs, one
reviewer and probably (this is sarcasm) zero user. This will not
succeed, because such an organization only exist in companies like
Microsoft or in Deamland (this is sarcasm), not GNU/Linux. The only
reason for locking OpenSC is that it is a security software. I don't
believe this is relevant, as MOST security software are open and people
collaborate without restriction.

> This is an utter phallacy. An open source project can never be a
> democracy, and trying to create democracy is nothing but feelgood
> bureacracy.

You focus too much on "code review", not "collaboration". This can only
lead to a situation where code reviewers are flooded under too much
work. Unless we pay them, this will not work. Or maybe getting paid
someday is a goal of the new organization? The only alternative is to
rely on the community at large, as always in a community project.

In short: we want flexibility & freedom. There will be no paid work on
reviewing code by "authorized people", like it is sometime the case at
pcsc-lite project. Furthermore, we don't want organizations like Gemalto
or PCSC group or any other company to decide whether the code quality is
relevant enough to reach production.

Kind regards,
                  Jean-Michel Pouré - Gooze - http://www.gooze.eu

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