Simple End User Joe here,

A suggestion for all concerned:
Please try to forget personal differences, and solve the problem ahead.
You are all very bright, you do awesome work, we all endlessly admire
you and thank you for all you have achieved so far. But.

For me it seems that there IS a problem with development procedures,
project structure AND communication.
Take a look at your roadmap page. The fact that you are late is okay,
this is an open source project after all.
But 6 months worth of patches which cannot be reviewed is something
which should something be done about.
I would need no further support for the request of dropping gerrit or
whatsnot than no one actually operates it.

Okay, I understand, you are at the top of food chain are concerned with
quality. And you simultaneously don't have enough time to review patches.
Both are correct and understandable. And there is a way out of this
Require assurance of the stuff is working before even taking a look at
it: unit tests and/or ack of an established developer, maybe even an end
user report confirming the thing is working. Or formal verification with
frama-c. Or whatever you read about in CC part 3 or the strike fighter
air vehicle coding standards.
But if the requirements are met, please take a quick look at it and
commit it. And fast. Because if you raise the bar enough, you won't have
much junk to sort out and you already have reasonable assurance.

And please talk to each other. Maybe a daily^H^H^H^H^Hweekly scrum in
IRC would be a good idea.

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