
On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 15:17, "Magosányi, Árpád" <m4g...@gmail.com> wrote:
> And you simultaneously don't have enough time to review patches.
> Both are correct and understandable. And there is a way out of this
> situation.
> Require assurance of the stuff is working before even taking a look at
> it: unit tests and/or ack of an established developer, maybe even an end
> user report confirming the thing is working. Or formal verification with
> frama-c. Or whatever you read about in CC part 3 or the strike fighter
> air vehicle coding standards.
> But if the requirements are met, please take a quick look at it and
> commit it. And fast. Because if you raise the bar enough, you won't have
> much junk to sort out and you already have reasonable assurance.


The trick is having a system that works and also helps to achieve the
target of having more people *actually* looking at code and some
testing (like automatic building) done before even considering ack-ing
something. But lagging on processing any flow is of course not really

Given that resources are low, automation should help. Like Gerrit och Jenkins.

> Maybe a daily^H^H^H^H^Hweekly scrum in
> IRC would be a good idea.

There is #opensc on freenode, but people on opensc-devel have most of
the time to date been against such communication, either because of
timezone differences or just because it is very difficult for a
handful of otherwise busy people to find that time (I guess).

But a bi-weekly "recap" would be good idea to have.

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