On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 2:58 AM, Jason King <jason at ansipunx.net> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 5:26 PM,  <johansen at sun.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 04:08:09PM -0700, Garrett D'Amore wrote:
>>> I'd rather see us modernize our own tools.  I resent abdication of
>>> our own engineering, and the necessity of abandoning all good
>>> innovations (like shell builtins) because some people feel its
>>> critical that the only way to achieve these goals is to provide
>>> these 3rd party tools.  Its more offensive to me specifically
>>> because there is no good reason why we can't use tools from the
>>> ksh93 community (who seems to be a lot more willing to work with us
>>> on key engineering issues than the GNU folks who are mostly fixated
>>> on Linux) to achieve this.
>> Instead of re-inventing the wheel at every opportunity, it makes more
>> sense to take the open source projects that have wide acceptance and
>> incorporate them into our product.  I think that both ksh93 and gnu fall
>> into this category.  It's much better for us to focus our engineering
>> efforts on areas where we can actually differentiate our product from
>> our competitors.
>> I don't have a problem with ksh93 or the builtins, nor am I advocating
>> an entirely GNU userland.  What I am suggesting, however, is that the
>> folks who decided to put /usr/gnu in the default path did talk to our
>> customers, and also took note of the fact that Linux is widely adoped
>> across the industry.
> Yet now, I see (at least online) complaints because the 'default'
> (GNU) tools can't actually make use of the features that differentiate
> Opensolaris.  Why are we encouraging defaults that hide the features
> that set us apart from the others?

The long term goal [1] for the POSIX community is to add the missing
features from BSD and GNU to the utilities in /usr/bin, using the AST
tools as template. I do not think that /usr/gnu/bin in $PATH matters

[1] Depending how fast Oracle will sponsor the putbacks from Olga.


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