Helmar Wodtke wrote:
Hi at all,

I'm really impressed by the discussion about ksh. But I dont get the point.

I've seen notes about ARC and so on. Does it matter about something that does not exist?

(NB: I am not an official Sun Spokesperson for this topic)

It all depends on what you use for your Baseline.

At Sun, we _must_ use Solaris10 as the Baseline for discussions about
future changes simply because we plan on building Solaris11 on the
OpenSolaris foundation.  Our customers will upgrade from Solaris10,
and will expect their applications to continue working.

Other distros may or may not care (though I hope they do).  Individual
developers who are more interested in OpenSolaris than they are in musty
old ksh scripts (i.e., most of y'all) probably won't care at all.  For you,
there is no Baseline *yet*, so the question of stability has no meaning.
That doesn't mean that this should be taken as an opportunity to make
incompatible changes to the OpenSolaris system.

Some of the frustrations I'm seeing are based on the assumption that

        A) If it wasn't in the first snapshot release of OpenSolaris on June 14,
        we can never expect it to be; Sun has finished releasing everything
        it intends to,

rather than the plan of record

        B) If it wasn't in the first snapshot release of OpenSolaris on June 14,
        don't panic - much more stuff will be coming; Sun has just started the 
        of releasing its OS code.

We are in a transition period between "the initial euphoria" and "having 
parts to build a complete system".

How do we deal with that transition?

        For now, replace the missing pieces with "whatever works" to bootstrap
        the system.  Keep those replacements somewhat isolated so that they
        don't pollute the master workspace.  Consider this to be a "prototype"
        effort to learn the system and see what works best and what is missing.

        Communicate the list of missing pieces (and your suggested replacements)
        back to the community.  Depending on what camp you are in, this will
        either drive the community into developing/adopting formal replacements
        or it will help Sun with its huge task of prioritizing and releasing
        the missing pieces.

        In any case, some things can't ever be released, so the community needs
        figure out how to develop formal replacements.  Depending on exactly how
        compatible those replacements are to the Solaris10 Baseline, it may be
        possible (and possibly desirable!) for Sun to replace the closed pieces
        with the new open ones in Solaris11.

        Continue using the "prototype" placeholders until all the issues are
        formally resolved.

As this transition period goes on, frustrations will go up and pressure to "do
something" will skyrocket.  I'm hoping that next week's CAB meeting at OSCON
will address this issue. In the meantime, don't panic.  As we teach in SCUBA
Diving classes, Stop! Breathe. Think. Then Act.

(obligatory ARC tie in:  The "Think" part is where Architecture comes in. :-)


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