Hello Patrick,

Thursday, March 9, 2006, 9:43:35 AM, you wrote:

PM> Eric Enright wrote:
>> I'm currently looking at porting a certain Linux driver to Solaris'
>> usbser/GSD framework, and am concerned about GPL/CDDL conflicts.  I
>> know that a typical port would not be allowed, however my intent is to
>> only use the magic numbers and general chip programming logic rather
>> than reuse code.  Would I be able to do that?
PM> I guess a lawyer can give you a usable answer on that one.

I guess that Sun should address this - it should be clearly stated in
a FAQ (for developers) what to do in such cases (not just - consult
your lawyer). Is it permitted or not? What about GPL, BSD, ...?

You can't expect people to get lawyer all the time people want to
contribute to Open Solaris.

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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