On 6/4/06, Jim Grisanzio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Joerg Schilling wrote:

> Thomas Nau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Back to Sun itself: in my opinion they dropped the desktop many years ago
>>during the dot-gone era. They forgot about their own roots and the
>>university kids at the time didn't learn Solaris but Linux and those are
>>the ones to drive decisions today. Actually I do not believe that Sun as a
> This is what I did tell everybody already in the late 1990.
> We need to approach students at the universities because the
> students od today are the decision makers of tomorrow.
> But unfortunately the situation has become so bad now that Sun would need
> to agressivly approach the people in the univsersities who are responsible
> for the computer pools to make Solaris be present again in the universities.

We are making progress. I see the guys in China have been busy lately with 
respect to OpenSolaris in universities: http://blogs.sun.com/joeyguo.

Joey has lots of pics and info about what's going on. Glenn and Teresa were 
there recently, too. When I move to Japan, I hope to get closely involved with 
community building at universities throughout Asia.

What about south america? ;)

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