On Jun 17, 2006, at 1:17 PM, Hugh McIntyre wrote:

Potentially what would help here is to integrate a stub pkg-get command into the base install, but out of the box this would just be a wrapper, not linked to any specific back-end repository.

Then, the first time you used it (via GUI or command line) you would get a question/dialog asking you to choose one of the back- end sources [*] along with a "Help me choose" button for people who have not heard of the choices. The page displayed by "help me choose" would then say something like:

   * Companion CD    - stable, but often not the latest version.

* Blastwave - generally up to date; 1,511 packages; not from Sun; tends to install a ton of it's own dependencies.

On this note, I think a lot of this could be resolved if there was more collaboration between Sun/BW. I'm sure there are valid reasons for the dependency issues, however.
   * sunfreeware.org - <insert description>

   * etc......

Once configured, the top level pkg-get would pass the command onto a real command under /usr/sfw/libexec/pkgget/blastwave/..." or whatever, in the same way that mount calls /usr/lib/fs/ufs/mount or some other backend.

And if necessary also with a stub command called apt-get that just says "please use pkg-get" and exits, for those from Linux who don't know the command is pkg-get.

That's a pretty good idea. :)
While blastwave does it, I can't use blastwave as a part of some
other solution. And that's the problem with all the package
management systems - they're fine, as long as you use them in
complete isolation.

Exactly. Say I want PHP to run with the bundled Apache. Blastwave won't do this, unlike Fink, for example.

Well, I didn't go so far as to suggest what kind of package system to implement, I just used BW as an example because it's the #1 (I believe) used source for Solaris/OSOL people. Personally, I'm a fan of the ports system from FreeBSD (much akin to fink). I just think we need some kind of system like this in place for users.

[*] in fact the ability to configure a path of sources might be preferred. For example: "sun.com if the package exists, otherwise Blastwave".

Right. :)


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