On Tue, Jul 11, 2006 at 11:32:52PM +0100, Peter Tribble wrote:

> > Indeed, that's precisely why they were chosen (ditto all the other
> > Shifted shortcuts in gnome-terminal).  In fact, in JDS we changed it
> > back for a while, but that patch seems to regressed (or removed, I don't
> > know which), and there's at least one person who wants to keep it that
> > way; see bug 6419901.
> Indeed, although the 'additional configuration information'
> bit wasn't from me.

Hurrah for sensible formatting from bugs.opensolaris.org. It was from me. The
terminal is somewhat unusual in that it's an "application in a box"; not having
page up/down available in mutt is incredibly annoying with large mailboxes.

> I've ended up reverting my snv42 test machine back to S10U2 to
> get sane JDS behaviour (fortunately hadn't upgraded my zfs pool).

I think it's too contentious an issue to call either side "sane". Sad to say
it, but I think this is truly one of those cases where the only real fix is a
configuration option.

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