John Plocher writes:
> James Carlson wrote:
> > The part that you snipped away was where John Plocher was asserting
> > that this case would somehow prevent future distributions (such as the
> > ones we now have) from even starting.  I don't believe that's the
> > case.
> I don't think I was asserting anything like that.  It was 3am, so I 
> may have been more unclear than normal, but where in the following
> text that Ian "snipped" do you find that assertion:
>       > Why does Indiana have to meet these requirements when Nexenta, 
> Belinix,
>       > MartUX, Schillix, SX, and all the other OS.o distros don't?
> ?

I don't see any other way of reading that.  You're saying that other
distributions don't have "requirements" and that thus this new one
shouldn't either.

As an OpenSolaris project, though, it does need to follow the
OpenSolaris project process.  That process requires specifing project
leaders (we still don't have any of those) and a community
endorsement.  I'd even be willing to go along with an exception
process for projects that don't have sponsoring communities but that
are generally seen as good things.  I'm not so willing to go along
with having empty shells -- projects with no leaders.

For what it's worth, none of those other distributions attempted to
adopt the mantle of representing all of OpenSolaris.

> > I just don't see it that way.  Is having a community endorse this
> > project a "barrier?"  And one that necessarily causes undue hardship?
> This project is at least as complete as several of the others that
> have been approved with no discussion in the last couple of weeks.

There's a separate communication problem that I expect Keith and the
others involved to work out.  It has nothing to do with this case.

> > So far, I haven't seen anyone trying to obstruct.
> Other than Keith and you telling Glynn to "go fetch another
> rock", because you don't like the rock he currently has.

Simply uncalled for.  The requests have been very clear and
consistent.  I see no way to make them any clearer.

This discussion is obviously not getting anywhere, so if project leads
aren't available and the project somehow still wants to go forward,
then let's open the whole topic of the project creation process back
up again at the next OGB meeting.  Please do try to contribute so that
the new process (whatever it may be) is more to your liking.

James Carlson, Solaris Networking              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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