On Wed, Oct 31, 2007 at 08:09:58PM +0000, Alan Burlison wrote:

> Perhaps someone from the OGB would care to comment?  Or perhaps we 
> should expect their usual torpor to continue...

I can't speak for anyone else, but I think my 'usual torpor' has
reached its end.  Even a hibernating bear will defend itself if you
make a sufficiently determined effort to antagonise it.

The OGB is going to have to assert its authority to act on behalf of
the community or cease to exist as a meaningful entity.  Even if the
OGB is to be a weak body focused primarily on dispute resolution, it
is tasked with a limited number of responsibilities.  If someone else
asserts ownership of those responsibilities, a dispute does exist even
if it is not expressed as being between two Groups.  As you might
imagine, I'm not very comfortable asserting any authority not
specified explicitly in the Constitution, but if we're assigned a
power there has to be some way for us to defend it.  What form that
defense might take is not yet clear, but we're not ignoring the issue
and at least one of us agrees that what's happening is not likely in
the interests of the OpenSolaris Community.

Keith M Wesolowski              "Sir, we're surrounded!" 
FishWorks                       "Excellent; we can attack in any direction!" 
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