
On 11/13/07 00:53, UNIX admin wrote:

RAS is great, impressive stuff, but it is NOT worth that kind of money!
For the price of one RAS system, I can build several cheapo systems and cluster 
them. So what if one of those cheapo systems dies? Throw it out of the window, 
it's just one of many nodes in the cluster, the HA services keep running, and 
that silicon is so cheap I can just go and build another one, PXE/DHCP netboot 
it, flash it, and walk away.

Clustering and the like help with obvious failures such as panic, fire etc.  
subtle failures, by their nature, aren't so obvious.  Silent data corruption
is, errr, silent - your data is corrupted and there is no notification at
all.  Depending on your application you may or may not detect this corruption
by other means - most applications will be blissfully unaware.  The loss of
integrity in your data, perhaps detected days or weeks after the event,
can cost you a whole lot more than a decent system.


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