On Nov 30, 2007, at 13:29, UNIX admin wrote:

>> I've been investigating. Take a look at
>> http://tinyurl.com/ys5hf3 -
>> this was the change Neil et al made to the
>> governance.
> Dear Mr. Phipps, I can see the nicely colored changes, but without  
> knowing who made which change, even the pretty colors are pretty  
> meaningless to me.

The changes were made by sshoaff on April 28 2007. I have checked the  
forums and asked the management involved and none were aware of the  
change. This would be analogous to the OGB deciding to make a change  
to the constitution without advising the community or Sun's  
management. The correct response would be for Sun and the community  
to demand the changes be undone.  Go look for yourself, it is all in  
the SVN system at https://opends.dev.java.net/source/browse/opends/ 
diff_format=l&view=log or get a trusted helper to work with you on it  
if you don't have the technical skills needed. Change 1739 is the  
illegitimate change to the governance, change 3475 is it being reverted.

> Anyways, that's not my point.
> My point is, people which have received good performance reviews  
> don't turn around and issue a statement Sun middle management  
> threatened them with cutting off severance pay. Everything else in  
> this story is immaterial and unimportant to me.

You're not reading the story then. The people involved were  
reluctantly laid off for operational reasons independent of the  
governance change. That change was only noticed towards the end of  
the lay-off period, and attempts to correct it led to HR actions I am  
not at liberty to discuss but which I believe Neil characterises  

> Again, I repeat: stand together, and get your act together. Next  
> one in line of getting threatened or blackmailed by management  
> might be yourself.

None of that appears to be happening. I have spotted the stick-it-to- 
the-Man attitude around here but I have yet to see evidence it is  
called-for in this case. If you have that objective evidence (rather  
than the intentionally disruptive letter of a disgruntled former  
employee) do please send it to me. Preferably privately first so I  
research it.

> And before someone feels holier-than-thou to point out that this is  
> an OpenSolaris list, I'm done commenting on the topic. I have  
> nothing more to say on the subject, so spare yourself the typing  
> effort.

Sorry, you can't roll grenades and then declare the matter over. If  
you don't want to discuss it, don't make the inflammatory postings in  
the first place.


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