On Nov 30, 2007, at 11:20, UNIX admin wrote:

> Hi Jim,
> I don't know about Shawn, but I'll write for myself:
> I expect Sun employees to forward the blog URI directly to Jonathan  
> Schwartz.
> I also expect Sun employees to back up their now former colleague  
> and show that they have spine, and complain to Jonathan about this  
> incident.
> I expect Sun employees to stand together with the community and  
> fight back, and communicate very clearly to Sun management that  
> such incidents will not be tolerated in the future, by reporting  
> said middle management to the big-boss-head-honcho, namely Mr.  
> Schwartz.
> That's what I expect. Fight for what is right.

Jonathan and I have had plenty of forwards of the posting, yes.  
That's why I investigated. There's an HR dimension that I can't  
discuss in public, but the substantive issue for the FOSS community  
is unrelated to the reduction-in-force layoff the employees in  
question were unfortunately subjected to.

So far I have found that the substantive issue seems to be about the  
fact a unilateral change of the governance was made[1] by Sun  
employees, without involving either the community or Sun management.  
All Sun's representative did was ask for that unauthorised change to  
be reverted. That's not how the writer of the original posting at  
OpenDS wanted it to appear, naturally.

I intend to fight for what is right in this case; right now that  
appears to be the reversion of the OpenDS governance to its original  


[1]  http://tinyurl.com/ys5hf3 
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