Shawn Walker wrote:

> Don't you realise that stuff like this only continues to cement the
> view that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand at Sun is
> doing?

The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. Ok. Guilty. Why 
is that surprising? It's a large organization and many people are trying 
their very best. I can say the *exact* same thing about the OpenSolaris 
community itself. It's no different in that respect. Communication 
issues across very large organizations through many filters is messy at 
best. Do you know what's going on in all corners of the OpenSolaris 
community around the world? Can you message and manage the entire 
OpenSolaris Community?

Forget Sun for a minute, please go out and design and implement a global 
communications strategy for the entire community -- all tens of 
thousands of them, several dozen languages and countries -- and come 
back and we can talk about your experiences.

The excuse of "left hand ... right hand" will not wash with me.

> I found about this from a blog post Ben Rockwood titled: "Sun
> continues its crusade to kill itself...."
> As Ben says, "OpenOffice has been ripped apart, now OpenDS, who knows
> what else is happening in other open source projects that Sun's
> involved in." --
> My point in posting this was the very real concern that actions like
> this taken by Sun continue to undermine the community. Sun's actions
> in *any* projects that they touch affects all projects they are
> involved with. Whenever people criticise OpenSolaris, they don't just
> talk about the actions Sun takes in regards to OpenSolaris, they talk
> about the actions taken in *any* of the projects Sun participates in.

Ok, so here you are offering some commentary and stating a position and 
a reason for posting. I can agree or not but at least I have something 
to go on other than your somewhat over-the-top subject line. But we 
don't know what really happened in that case since we were not involved. 
Why can't we wait before passing judgment? Wouldn't you want the same 
courtesy given you? Haven't you ever been accused of something you 
didn't do?

> While I'm all for Sun's direct involvement in certain areas, I fear
> what some members of management at Sun might do in other areas.
> I have almost absolute faith in Sun's engineers; not in their management.

Then focus on the engineers. As we build community from the engineering 
level up, that's the only way to influence the managers. And by the way, 
many managers advocate strongly for community and transparency. And many 
execs do, too. I know this for an absolute fact.


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