Well, he can run a more up-to-date version of Macromedia/Adobe Flash!!
:)  (Currently ISV support is still better for Sparc/Solaris than
x86/Solaris. (Although this is slowly changing).

If you aren't going to be running commercial/proprietary software, or
needing to develop for a production Sparc environment, then an older
Sparc's advantages are diminished.


P.S. - I still use a 500 MHz UltraSparc IIi based system, with 512MB
ram as a small server. (Otherwise I am all x86).

On Feb 17, 2008 6:16 AM, UNIX admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm just wondering, what am I giving up if I dump the
> > U10 w/
> > Solaris10?  Reliabilty?  Does the U10 have any unique
> > capabilities
> > worth considering anymore?
> An Ultra10 has no "unique capabilities", that is, unless you consider the 
> OpenBoot PROM and the SPARC(R) V9 processor to be "unique capabilities".
> It is old, obsolete, and slow. If you can get someone to give you maybe $50 
> for it, you can consider yourself extremely lucky.
> If you want to stick with a sparc based system, forget the workstation class 
> hardware and get yourself a V240. Otherwise, any intel or AMD based server 
> will do.
> This message posted from opensolaris.org
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- Brian Gupta


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