> Ultra 10... honestly somebody on eBay will buy it from you.

Probably a guy like me. Those were fine little boxes for what the
price back then. Of course I wouldn't even consider it unless it
had the Creator 3D Series III framebuffer in there.

> But consider noise and heat and electrical consumption. According to
> sunsolve, that Ultra 10 (sans monitor) is Input power 380 W,
> Heat output 1287 BTU/hr.

Those may be maximum levels. I had an Ultra 10 on my desk for years and it
was never loud and never made much in the way of heat. Of course I removed
the internal IDE drive and installed PCI SCSI cards. Then I attached
external cigar boxes with 9GB SCSI disks in each and ran with SCSI disks

> I know my Thinkpad running snv81 is only 72W,

Any thinkpad is expensive and not very Sparc like. I have had four thinkpads
in six years and all but one of them has died of mysterious causes with no
way to fix them.

> and you learn to appreciate
> the ambient noise level of your SOHO or low-level .mp3 background sounds
> when they aren't contending with the whine of fan noise or the creaky-gravel
> noise of old EIDE drives.

Again I say, the Ultra 10 was a quiet machine. But maybe I'm just deaf.

> Any generic AMD whitebox with the right supported $75 ATI/Nvidia video card
> runs circles around that circa 1998 Creator card.

Wrong.  I'll put the framerate and OpenGL tessalation rate with gourand
shading from that Creator card up against your $75 ATI or NVidia card
and see what the truth is. Sorry but I just don't see the comparison.

Again the issue here is *if* the user needs a Sparc machine.

> If for religious or ideological reasons you feel you can't live without a
> sparc box, then buy an Ultra 25 if you're rich or a SunBlade 150 if you're
> not.

Or just keep the Ultra 10 that will cost you nothing.

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