Ultra 10... honestly somebody on eBay will buy it from you. 

But consider noise and heat and electrical consumption. According to sunsolve, 
that Ultra 10 (sans monitor) is Input power      380 W, Heat output      1287 

I know my Thinkpad running snv81 is only 72W, and you learn to appreciate the 
ambient noise level of your SOHO or low-level .mp3 background sounds when they 
aren't contending with the whine of fan noise or the creaky-gravel noise of old 
EIDE drives.

Any generic AMD whitebox with the right supported $75 ATI/Nvidia video card 
runs circles around that circa 1998 Creator card.

If for religious or ideological reasons you feel you can't live without a sparc 
box, then buy an Ultra 25 if you're rich or a SunBlade 150 if you're not.

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