> This is not true, just check 2GB costs $230 for
>  Utra 20M2.

According to store.sun.com, 2x1GB costs $189 USD. I just checked the price at a 
local website, 2x1GB ECC DDR2-667, exactly the same memory, costs $47.96 USD.

So what is Sun trying to pull here? I mean, to me as a customer, this is just 

> uess how much Apple MacPro costs 2GBM costs $500. Of
> course, I assume 
> no one on this list is sane enough to get Apple
> hardware :)

I don't really care how much more expensive and overpriced Apple hardware is.  
I want cheap, cheap and reliable, and that *can* be had if the manufacturer 
goes for making their profit out of volume, and not fleecing their customers.
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