* a b ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > I'm not going to try to defend the SDC -- this is neither the right
> > list to discuss it nor do I have any connection at all with the people
> > who run that site -- but there's a complication here that I think the
> > folks posting (and vociferously at that) on the thread need to
> > realize.
> Considering "SDC", runs this website, this is the perfect place to bring it 
> up!
> > The existing Solaris Express distribution is not redistributable.  It
> > includes licensed software from other entities, in the form of the old
> > CDE environment and Xsun server, among other things.  As a result, it
> > just _can't_ be as simple as "wget ftp://sun.com/sxce.iso";.  I think
> > it'd be great if we could do that, but you may as well yell at the IPR
> > holders rather than those who are legally compelled to follow the
> > rules.
> > 
> > That's why it has that click-through license agreement, and why you
> > can't just wget it.  The problem isn't just a technical bit of
> > stupidity that can be fixed by application of clue.
> Sorry, but that is not logical at all. Either that, or I miserably
> failed at grasping the logic:
> what does the premise that SXCE/DE aren't redistributable have to do
> with the fact that one has to login to download it?

Two words.  Paper. Trail.

> How does forcing people to login before downloading "prevent" or
> "ensure" that SXCE/DE won't be "redistributed"?

It doesn't, but it's at least a starting point when/if it becomes
necessary to 'track people down' I'd imagine.

> And why would anybody bother to "redistribute" 3.5GB worth of stuff
> that is already available gratis from Sun?

I've given up a long time ago on trying to figure out why people do
things they shouldn't do.  That's an exercise in futility.

> What you wrote just doesn't seem to be logically connected.

Probably because you (like me and many many others) aren't familiar with
the intricate details.

Case in point, the United States Government has these wonderful laws
about exporting Crypto code that can be classified as munitions.  And
suppliers of Crypto (like Sun) used to (and maybe still does) have to
keep tabs on to whom said Crypto is given to.

It's not as if Sun wouldn't like to have everything be freely
redistributable.  Take Indiana, one of it's requirements is that it can
only contain freely redistributable content on the livecd just so that
we can distribute it as far and as wide as possible with the least
amount of hassle.  Naturally, that's done to help it's adoption (for
one thing).  Don't you think that if Sun could do that with SXCE/SXDE
they would?  I believe part of the reason for Indiana is to address that
shortcoming (among many others).

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