Hello Ming

On Sat, Aug 2, 2008 at 7:51 AM, Ming Kin Lai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sun can write all the PR things they want to claim that they are not
> abandoning Solaris.  But let's look at the real stuff.  For example, I would
> refer you to a thread "How to report bugs ?" in Sun's "General Solaris 10
> Discussion" forum (
> http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5309841&tstart=0).  And one can
> judge how much attention Sun is giving to Solaris nowadays.  Someone wanted
> to report a Solaris bug and so far nobody answered such a simple question.
>  You sounded like you are a Sun employee.  I am glad that there are Sun
> employees reading posts in this forum, but how come there does not appear to
> be any Sun employees reading that Solaris 10 forum?  And there are many
> unanswered posts there.  I personally posted quite a number there lately and
> quite a number, if not most, of them were not answered.  The facts speak for
> themselves.

Calling it "abandoning" really makes it sound worse than it is.

Sun has moved their focus of new OS development on: from Solaris 10 to
OpenSolaris, just like the moved from Solaris 9 to Solaris 10.

Two things are still happening on Solaris 10:
a) Fixes for bugs - The operating is still being maintained and Sun takes
solving of customer problems very serious.  Look at the number of Solaris 10
patches released weekly if you don't believe me.  Read the release notes of
any patch to look at the number of bugs solved.  Abandoning is not the best

b) A limited amount of new functionality is being ported back to Solaris 10
from OpenSolaris.  This is driven by a combination of things - what is
possible, what is legal, and what is a priority for Sun's customers.  The
features that are put back are the really stable ones which do not rely on
any new features in the OpenSolaris kernel, and we have to admit OpenSolaris
is anything but production quality as it stands today, so most of its "new"
features are not likely to appear in Solaris soon.

I suggest if you find a bug in OpenSolaris, call the Sun helpdesk and open a
support ticket for it.
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