On Sat, Aug 2, 2008 at 1:26 PM, Richard L. Hamilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Re: [osol-discuss] Can Solaris be discussed here?‏
>> From: Shawn Walker ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>> Sent: Sat 8/02/08 5:31 AM
>> Cc:  opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
>> These lists are for OpenSolaris, not Solaris. I'm not
>> certain what gave you the idea that Sun has abandoned
>> Solaris 10 maintenance. However, I can assure you
>> that is not the case. Read more about the Solaris
>> Life Cycle model
>> here:http://www.sun.com/software/solaris/lifecycle.xml
>> You may want to visit the bigadmin pages for further
>> discussion of Solaris 10 topics:
>> http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/home/index.html Cheers,--
>> Shawn Walker
>> ------------------------------------------------------
>> ------------------
>> Sun can write all the PR things they want to claim
>> that they are not abandoning Solaris.  But let's look
>> at the real stuff.  For example, I would refer you to
>> a thread "How to report bugs ?" in Sun's "General
>> Solaris 10 Discussion" forum
>> (http://forums.sun.com/thread.jspa?threadID=5309841&ts
>> tart=0).  And one can judge how much attention Sun is
>> giving to Solaris nowadays.  Someone wanted to report
>> a Solaris bug and so far nobody answered such a
>> simple question.  You sounded like you are a Sun
>> employee.  I am glad that there are Sun employees
>> reading posts in this forum, but how come there does
>> not appear to be any Sun employees reading that
>> Solaris 10 forum?  And there are many unanswered
>> posts there.  I personally posted quite a number
>> there lately and quite a number, if not most, of them
>> were not answered.  The facts speak for themselves.
> You sound like you're looking for something resembling support for
> a commercial product, without having to pay for a support contract.
> That's not likely to be sustainable (support people have to eat, companies
> have to keep a minimum stock price, bills have to be paid, etc).

You mean that you can charge a fee for software related services ?  To
pay people?

   That is a good thing to do.

A commercial product I understand but what about open source software
like OpenSolaris ? Isn't that "Free" ? Open means give it away for
free right ?

NOT bloody likely .. I like the FSF/GNU.org page that says this :

    The Free Software Definition
    "Free software" is a matter of liberty, not price.

and this one is the kicker :

    Selling Free Software

    Many people believe that the spirit of the GNU project is that you should
    not charge money for distributing copies of software, or that you
should charge
    as little as possible — just enough to cover the cost.

    Actually we encourage people who redistribute free software to
charge as much
    as they wish or can.

... that is why MySQL is in business and Ubuntu/Canonical Ltd and others too.


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