Sorry for the delay in replying on my part, masa.

Here is the info you requested:

sh-4.0$ kstat -m rge | grep mac_ver
        mac_ver                         1006632960

I would be happy to test version 12 of the fix that you've built; I can't do it 
right now, but I should be able to later this week, when I get the other 
machine back on line for me to use as a test machine.

What kinds of things changed between version 9 and version 12 of your fix?

Thank you very much for taking so much time to do this.

By the way, my version of "testing" has been simply to send a large amount of 
data (> 10GB) from one machine to another, using zfs send | zfs receive.  That 
was enough to bring the previous driver down, so if that test passes for me, 
I'm happy.
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