On 29/01/2010, at 4:07 PM, Jason King wrote:

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 6:51 PM, Glynn Foster <glynn.fos...@sun.com> wrote:

On 29/01/2010, at 1:41 PM, Roger Savard wrote:

As much as I like OpenSolaris, I just migrated my FreeBSD (RockSolid) infrastructure to opensolaris with ease: Tomcat, CAS-SSO, OpenLdap, Bind, apache2, CIFS, Postgresql ... I think it is a mistake to design OpenSolaris
as a desktop first, Sun always shine on the server side.

Why do you think we're designing OpenSolaris as a desktop first? Because of the LiveCD? What about the Automated Install images, or the text based interactive installer? Lots of room for both, and over the last couple of
releases, there's been a higher priority on getting some of the
server/enterprise features in place.

Because anytime anyone tries to offer any criticism or documents
issues trying to use it as a server, the response is 'well we're
concentrating on the desktop first'.

Certainly it made sense to focus on desktop and developer as ideal candidates to test out some of the technology we were building. The end game was always going to be enterprise and building something that would carry over into the next generation enterprise platform. The response was more likely to be acknowledgement that some things weren't quite ready yet for the larger scale.

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