On 01/29/10 04:14 AM, casper....@sun.com wrote:
There are some issues with IPS also; it takes a lot of memory
(500 to 1500MBs) and it's a lot slower than SVr4 package install.

As an in-development project, memory usage greatly fluctuates. Until recently, a install of redistributable took a lot less memory than that. The project is aware of this particular issue that recently recurred however, and is actively researching ways to further reduce memory footprint.

(On an Ultra 40 with 5GB, it takes about 80 minutes to install
"redistributable" from a local package server.  That's more time
needed to install SXCE and the latter installs more software [25 minutes].

(Yes, I do use "redistributable" having to continuously add extra
packages cost more of my time than the local bandwidth: I believe this
is a fair comparison; both were installed from a local server over a
100Mbit net and install a similar amount of software)

The redistributable case is currently the "worst-case scenario". Significant performance work has been done and continues.

While installs are not yet as fast as we'd like, image-updates are significantly faster than live upgrade which is something to keep in mind.

While "memory is cheap" it makes IPS not scale to multiple concurrent
zones and makes it impossible to fit on small memory systems (2GB seems
to be the minimal if you want to install redistributable)

The current memory usage footprint is definitely not the ultimate target, and as recently as a few days ago, further reductions have already been made.

The pkg(5) project appreciates and encourages any constructive feedback either through pkg-discuss or via defect.opensolaris.org under 'development -> pkg'.

Shawn Walker
opensolaris-discuss mailing list

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