> In retrospect, yesterday's webcast reinforced a new
> fully and integrated stack (from disks to apps) for
> Sparc (Solaris) 
> and Linux!
> I wish Oracle sees OpenSolaris as a server and not
> only a desktop where you develop apps for Solaris!
> Oracle is a big fan of Linux ... mentionned 2-3 times.

Oracle also  mention that Solaris is more advanced then linux and it would take 
years for linux to catch up to Solaris. I think Oracle sees a huge opening to 
promote Solaris while linux is currently missing those advancements,like 
ZFS,etc and if Oracle leaves OpenSolaris/Solaris under the CDDL then it can 
create it's own community with Opensolaris/Solaris similar to redhat and fedora 
 and take market share away from linux and when i say linux i really mean red 
hat and novell. only if Oracle promotes it correctly.
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