Chris <> writes:

> Hi Harry, I get files created with UID & GID set by client.  See
> below (some names have been altered to protect the innocent, any
> inconsistencies are due to that editing)


Thanks... nothing like some actual data to see how it ends up.

So something is definitely going amiss on my setup.

It wasn't clear how your osol nfs share is set on the server.

Is it just done with `zfs set' like:
 `zfs set sharenfs=on pool/path'

Or something more complex?

> from mount list: on
> /home/chris/osolnfsmount type nfs (rw,nolock,addr=

That info from your linux client `mount' cmd may tell whats wrong
here.  Mine has one extra item in there: 

  OSOL_SERVER:/pub on /pub type
  nfs (rw,users,addr=,vers=4,clientaddr=

Notice the `vers=4' so apparently my linux client is taking a share
that is being offered as nfs=vers3, but trying to mount it as vers4.

Mathias P. asked me that very question, and I wasn't sure how to find
out.  I think this may at least show its happening.

I'm curious what your doing here:

 chris_rem...@plato-gent /home/chris $ chmod g-s osolnfsmount/test

Is that turning off set-gid?

Oh, and one more thing to pester you with... can I see the details of
how the client is mounting the nfs share.

I know you've shown the output of `mount' but is there a notation
somewhere that does the job?

And your client is OSX then?... not linux?

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