On Tue, 2010-03-23 at 08:52 +0900, Stephen Bunn wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 10:05 PM, Edward Ned Harvey
> <solar...@nedharvey.com> wrote:
>         Again, as in my other posts in this thread, it's false.
>         Yes, you can buy solaris for x86 hardware.  I know because I
>         buy it with
>         Dell servers.
>         It is possible for them to ship solaris with a different
>         license via the
>         website, or via purchased with a non-Sun server.  So perhaps
>         the one on the
>         website available for free download might have this
>         restriction in it.  But
>         the one that ships with a Dell server certainly doesn't.
>         _______________________________________________
>         opensolaris-discuss mailing list
>         opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org
> I applaud your commitment to Sun/Oracle.  It might very well be
> possible to purchase a contract for Solaris from Dell.  That does not
> change the fact, however, that the license agreement has changed,
> without warning, and without notification or clarification.   It
> creates confusion and allows threads like these to happen.  I
> understand the merger is fresh and a lot needs to be worked out.
> Communication is the key. Communicate with your customers, ensure your
> sales reps have the latest information, and make sure you customers
> understand what is going... or lose them.
> Oracle needs to let customers know exactly what the license is for
> Solaris and OpenSolaris.  Having different license's from different
> vendors is ridiculous and only hurts the adoption of Solaris.
> _______________________________________________
> opensolaris-discuss mailing list
> opensolaris-discuss@opensolaris.org

fwiw, I spent several hours today in phone tree hell, being transferred
here and there, to totally incorrect departments, and being hung up on
too many times.  Yes, hours.  I'm stunned to think anyone would run a
business that way. 

I can report that it appears as though nobody in the "Oracle Collective"
has a clue.  They will sell/renews a license, wh/in turn is apparently
now requisite to purchase support contract. Also apparently can now only
buy license for Sun SPARC hardware. So it looks like those running on
x86 hardware not currently under contract are hosed, unable to get bare
minimum security patches. Speaking of patches, above is my take home
patched together from several different parties.

When you try informing them that you already have a "perpetual license"
from Solaris 10 download prior to the change, you're then "refered" to a
Sun Support number "that handles that".  I got 3 different such numbers,
two of which were out of service.  The one hat worked did get me to a
nice native english speaking gentleman who earnestly wanted to help out
but had never come across this issue before.  After researching the
issue a bit while I was on hold, he needed to escalate and have someone
get back with me.  I'm still waiting for that call back.

I also tried calling my local Sun office.  But they've been "Right
Sized" that I'm not sure if anyone is actually there anymore.  The
nameplate on the door of ther fancy downtown digs is still in place, but
it's been locked the couple times I've tried dropping by in recent
months. The Sun folks I used to know were riff'd back in 2008, so no
help there.  Callers get a recording informing you that nobody is
available to take your call and to push some extension to leave a
message. Have yet to get a call back from there either.

Maybe HP, Dell, etc. have some special deal.  Or maybe they've just not
yet figured out that they're also hosed.  From what I've been able to
piece together:

1) Licenses for other than 90 evaluation must be purchased.

2) No commercially usable licenses for non SPARC hardware.

3) License is required to buy support contract.

4) Support contract is now required for even minimum security patch

5) Sun Solaris became dubbed -> Oracle Solaris wh/seems to have now
become dubbed -> Operating Systems support.  Nobody I talked to in
Oracle side actually knew what Solaris was.  Seriously, I b.s you not.

I have a very difficult time swallowing the "be patient" line.  Oracle
had many months for planning whilst awaiting EU approval.  What we're
seeing now are the very carefully calculated results of said planning.
To be anything otherwise would be completely out of character for Larry.
I get the suspicion that the Sun has set on Solaris as a stand alone
product and moving forward those who want to use it are going to have to
send the big bucks for "Hardware, Software, Complete" solutions.

To the fanboys, lets review the track record here:

1) Security patch bundles cease being freely available, w/no advance

2) Solaris 10 license are changed such that you can no longer use for
more than 90 days evaluation w/o "Entitlement".  Again, w/o any advance

3) New Entitlements are now only available with purchase of SPARC
hardware.  Again, w/o any advance notice.

4) Entitlement is required to purchase support contract.

Reading the handwriting on the wall - it looks like we're screwed.  For
those that have current x86 support, I suspect your head's are on the
chopping block next....

All of those who we we've been preaching Solaris to these past couple
years ran back into the awaiting arms of MS.  We're lone hold out w/a
couple x86 based boxes that I was hoping to retain because for some
things Solaris just spoils you for anything else.  At least anything
else in the Linux/*BSD camps.  But looks like now those just became the
"Last of the Mohicans".

I, for one, feel totally violated. Nor do I say that lightly. Having
been foolish enough to believed in Sun and investing the past couple
years into learning and transitioning to Open/Solaris, there are now a
lot of people crawling out of the wood work last few weeks snickering "I
told you so".  And I admit I'm feeling pretty fsck'ing stupid. What was
I thinking?  Should have known not to have drank the Kool-Aide.  

In closing, to reiterate, I don't have confirmation. Just disparate
parts I pieced together after talking to about 8 people spread between
Oracle and Sun, none of whom, by their own admission, knew what was
going on.  So maybe it's just a matter of Sun/Oracle support not having
gotten proper guidance on these latest changes we'll wake up tomorrow to
find that this was all just a bad dream.

Ken Gunderson <kgund...@teamcool.net>

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