> And the forum's are now apparently now programmed to
> censor comments, although they don't even have basic
> functionality like displaying boldface. "I can" and
> "bu_gg_er" got turned into asterisks.
> Brilliant.

That's not new, it's been censoring letter sequences that _might_
correspond to offensive words (in one language or another) long
before Oracle came into the picture.

There's no lack of things to criticize.  But if you want to be taken
seriously, please don't drag in things that aren't new or relevant.

For example: I think they actually lose money on not having low-end
support.  It's not as if most folks willing to pay $200/year for patch
access would now be willing to pay $1000; rather, they'd move on to
something else.  And the added cost per user of providing low-end
support (i.e. just sunsolve access) has got to be way less than $200,
probably on the order of $10 or so.  Profit is profit, even if it's not
in chunks of a few hundred thousand at a time.  And at least a few
of today's low end users are either low end users at home and high
end users at work, or will become future high end users at work
some day if they're not alienated.
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