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On 24.03.2010 00:57, Alex Viskovatoff wrote:
> Since this is an OpenSolaris board, why are you bringing up FreeBSD? You 
> can't get official commercial support for FreeBSD any more than you can for 
> Fedora or for Arch Linux, since all three are free, non-commercial 
> distributions. So I don't see what advantage FreeBSD has for someone who 
> wants to migrate from Solaris 10 over OpenSolaris.

Maybe because FreeBSD doesn't require a support agreement for security
patches. Nor does any of those Linux distributions you mentioned. Or for
that matter Windows.

This "you will no longer receive security updates" bit is what's
bothering people. And it sends out all the "right" (for someone)
messages: "You're either a $1M/year contract corporate customer, or
you're of no interest to us". If that's the message Oracle wants to get
across, they're doing things the correct way. If not, they _NEED_ to
wake up and doe something that does _NOT_ stink of that arrogant attitude.


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