Hi Ken,

Here's a post by your Doppelgänger:


> I can't seem to purchase a support contract. The only page that even lists 
> the ability to purchase it is broken (see dpfloyd's comment), and I have not 
> receved a call back from Oracle/Sun sales in nearly a week (and that was 
> after getting bounced through 6 different people to a support person who at 
> least knew to forward my info to a Sun-related salesperson, or so they said). 
> Additionally, if you click the "How to Purchase a Contract" it provides no 
> actual info on how to do that, and the link it has to "Learn More" takes you 
> into an infinite loop of "click here, now click here, now click here - oh, 
> wait, I'm back where I started" when you try to find out about Sun Solaris 
> support.

> I hope I'm wrong about what's happening, but I can't say that any of this 
> gives me the warm fuzzies. I'd say that if I had control over the platform 
> I'd migrate those systems off of Solaris to another OS, but I'm guessing 
> that's exactly what Oracle wants...

> Can SOMEONE at Oracle/Sun please tell me how to purchase a support contract 
> to download OS patches? If not, can someone from Oracle/Sun officially tell 
> me to bugger off so I can tell my boss that we're never going to be able to 
> update those servers again and we can start planning on how we're going to 
> get around that issue?

One more example of the startling brilliance of corporate America.
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