Wouldn't it be bad for Oracle, entirely closing Solaris next release source?
I mean Solaris doesn't have not even 1% of operating systems market share.
Without the open source community (usually made of hardcore users with 
extensive knowledge of computing who usually work in IT companies or 
universities) support, they would lose even more clients, after all who would 
advocate for them besides theyselves also who would test their system before 
production release? It is better a bug in a simple John Doe's 
notebook/desktop/VM/VPS than in a multibillion dollar company's mainframe.

I believe that closing next release source would be a step backwards and  
further to Solaris' demise. 
Most of the profit from enterprise systems (Red Hat or SUSE) comes from support 
and not from selling the software itself like MS Windows. And open source is 
known for decreasing R&D costs and reducing risks and they could use some 
saving after acquiring Sun.

Besides it would sooo sad to see it ending :-(, Solaris is the best Unix ( I 
still need Windows for gaming and some multimedia so I've scratched it out from 
the list) I've tried so far. So solid, so consistent and so stable. It just 
need more packages and to update some of them which already belongs to the 
collection. Sometimes I have to build software from source.
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