On 08/14/10 09:25 AM, Erik Trimble wrote:

Frankly, at this point, I'd be all for Oracle spinning out the Solaris group as a fully-owned subsidiary, responsible for paying its own way. You'd see Solaris make lots of interesting product/marketing decisions and far more cash than I think Oracle is going to make with what they're doing now.

That's an interesting thought Eric. It would make collaboration much easier.

I think the root cause of this debacle was Sun allowing OpenSolaris to get too far ahead of Solaris 10. I can just imagine a conversation between an Oracle exec and a Sun one;

"So you have all this world beating OS technology, how are you monetising it?"

"Er, we're not, we're giving it away"

"Ho mum...  We need this in the market now!"

If I were the Oracle exec I'd want to focus my resources on getting some return for all that wonderful technology.

While I agree getting Solaris 11 out should be the priority, I still think cutting off the OpenSolaris community is incredibly short sighted, probably driven by the US corporate obsession with the next quarter's results.


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