Am 13.08.2010 23:25, schrieb Erik Trimble:

I think someone really, really, really needs to explain to upper
management these things:

(1) Having an open source base / development process is pretty much a
no-lose situation, with only an up side. The likelihood that other OSes
will be able to take advantage of your technology is quite low (either
due to incompatible license, or high barrier to port the code), and, at
best, such other OSes will lag significantly in uptake. For instance,
ZFS is about the only major technology from OpenSolaris that I can name
which has any reasonable adoption in other OSes. The FreeBSD port of ZFS
is *at* *least* 6 months behind that of OpenSolaris. The Upside of a
open development model is that you can get outside contributions (if you
actually want them, and design the development model appropriately),
outside testing, and a radically higher adoption rate than a closed model.
If that is true, Illumos will be ahead of the pack in no time. Bright future I'd say.


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