Ray Arachelian <r...@arachelian.com> wrote:

> Exactly why I suggested that any new bits added to IllumOS should be
> GPL'ed.   This could probably be done as kernel modules in some cases,
> so they'd be self contained.  This also has the benefit of possibly
> allowing them to be back ported to Solaris 11 proper, which allows end
> users to use them, and thus build more exposure for IllumOS.  If for
> whatever reason GPL would be appropriate, then perhaps a derivative of
> CDDL could be hammered out that gives the rights back to IllumOS in the
> same way that CDDL does for Oracle?  Perhaps this could be called the
> IllumOS CDDL vs the Oracle CDDL?

The GPL is a anti-collaboration license. 

The CDDL is a _license_ (text/name) owned by Oracle. Even if somebody likes to 
do what you propose, it would not be possible.


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