On 08/16/2010 08:50 AM, Edward Ned Harvey wrote:
>> Exactly why I suggested that any new bits added to IllumOS should be
>> GPL'ed.   
> #1  You're in the wrong place to promote GPL.  GPL is an extremist
> anti-corporate free software license, which is not as permissive as CDDL.
> This is the reason why CDDL is incompatible with GPL:  Because CDDL is more
> permissive than GPL can allow.

Sorry, I wasn't aware that a specific specie of open source license was
tied to a forum, although understandably, CDDL might be preferred by
some members of this specific one. :)

Point was that new _additions_ to IllumOS (not originating from the osol
sources) should not be just handed on a silver platter back to Oracle,
or another entity.
Rather, it would keep it open sourced for all to use, and should Oracle,
or another corporation wish to use it, they could, but they could not
make it proprietary, and would be required to release the sources, along
with any modifications they had made.  In other words, protecting
"improvements" to the _additions_.  That isn't anti-corporate, rather it
is pro-originator.  The original developers, and the community around
them, not just corporations that choose to benefit from them, would also
benefit by upstream improvements to the additions.

> #2  You're also wrong about code being released under GPL vs CDDL.  The
> truth is:  In both licenses, once the code is published to the public, it
> can never be "yanked back."  

Yes, yes, yes.  The same is true of BSD, or almost any other open
source, source code.  Yes, the copyright owner can re-release their code
under whatever license terms they wish, but they can never revoke the
original released code.  The point wasn't that.  The point was that
_additions_ to IllumOS should not necessarily be licensed under a
license that allows them to be improved and then closed by third
parties.  So that, IF they make their way into Solaris proper, Oracle
(or hell, Microsoft) would be required to provide source code for said
improvements.  Nothing more than that.

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