Jörg the Börg wrote:

> The GPL is a anti-collaboration license. 
> The CDDL is a _license_ (text/name) owned by Oracle.

not so sure that i agree on the GPL FUD being anti-collaboration (particularly 
if you follow the amount of collaboration happening on a daily basis LKML)

as for the CDDL - to my untrained eye there seem to be far more rights granted 
to the Initial Developer (Sun => Oracle in this case) than to any contributor 
even when the amount of contribution might outweigh the initial code .. however 
section 3.6 appears to promising about the possibility of creating a larger 
work .. 

gauging from how ugly it seems to be to get code into the base (find an 
sponsor, sign an agreement, ARC approvals, CRs, approvals, 
submit/deny/submit/etc) .. Illuminos might be a nice place to potentially 
contribute if that process could be made easier (particularly if the ARC 
process is now going to be hidden for interface changes or additions) - but it 
my mind .. it almost seems worth it to take the lessons learned here and begin 
to focus some effort on fixing Linux (not that the 2 efforts need to be made 
mutually exclusive) - Sun always seemed a bit scared about fixing, porting, or 
improving Linux kernel interfaces (which is much easier to fork btw) - 
presumably due to the lack of control they thought they'd have in the process
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