Jim Pye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Andreas
> I see that openssh is there, good. Having that gives the ability to do a
> lot of things remotely if networking is included (Which looks as if it
> is as dhcpcd is there)
> However one thing I see missing, it could however be in things like
> coreutils, is an editor. Not wanting to start a flame war but vi, emacs,
> pico, nano etc.

That's why I decided to leave this out.  I do expect that those
experts that use the minimal base system will add their own choice.

> My definition of base system (minimum system) would also be the hardware
> it runs on. Minimum memory, graphics/text display etc. When constructing
> a minimum/base system this could be taken into consideration when
> choosing pieces to be included or not. 

What exactly do you mean here?

 Andreas Jaeger, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.suse.de/~aj/
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