
Stan Goodman wrote:
Having got my v10.3 reinstalled after a reinstall gone awry, The result seems
to be in quite satisfactory condition, with nearly all software functions that
I need and want up and running. An exception is that I have not succeeded in
getting a Java plugin installed into Firefox.
Running <java -version> shows that the default JRE is v1.5.0_13-b05.
(Subdirectories of v1.4.2 and v1.6something are also present). In the v1.5
directory I see nothing suggesting anything useful for installing a plugin.

YaST > Software Management shows that there are uninstalled packages for
plugins for each of the the three Java releases. An attempt to d/l and install
any of them gets a lengthy error message, the gist of which seems to be either
(a) that there is no installer capable of installing them in my system
(x86_64), or (b) that I could install a 32bit package but that I must be warned
that this would involve a change of architecture. This is not helpful.

I am confused, because YaST knows that the this is a 64bit system and that the
JRE is a 64bit package, and it is also showing me 64bit packages. What exactly
is its problem?

And how can I get an appropriate Java plugin into Firefox?

That's actually a FAQ and I wonder if there is some article about it anywhere on the openSUSE wiki. If not I wonder if some documentation contributor want to step up? ;-)

Ok, your system is a 64bit installation. So the only way(s) getting a usable Java plugin is either
(a) switch Firefox and your favourite JRE to 32bit and install the
    corresponding plugin package.
    (It depends on your choice of the JRE (and if you have other Java
    applications installed like Eclipse) what else you have to install
    as 32bit binary.)
    For example I have Java 1.5.0 (and the plugin) as i586 while I have
    Java 1.6.0 as 64bit version (along Eclipse)
    In YaST you can use the "Versions" tab to choose or switch the
    architecture of a package.
(b) Find any JRE from out there which contains a 64bit plugin.
    People have reported that there is some Blackdown version (1.4.x)
    which includes one. At least openSUSE doesn't ship any such JRE
    (basically because Sun doesn't want to support that obviously)

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