** Reply to message from Wolfgang Rosenauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Mon, 14
Jan 2008 23:45:59 +0100

> Hi,
> Stan Goodman wrote:
> > Having got my v10.3 reinstalled after a reinstall gone awry, The result 
> > seems
> > to be in quite satisfactory condition, with nearly all software functions 
> > that
> > I need and want up and running. An exception is that I have not succeeded in
> > getting a Java plugin installed into Firefox. 
> > 
> > Running <java -version> shows that the default JRE is v1.5.0_13-b05.
> > (Subdirectories of v1.4.2 and v1.6something are also present). In the v1.5
> > directory I see nothing suggesting anything useful for installing a plugin.
> > 
> > YaST > Software Management shows that there are uninstalled packages for
> > plugins for each of the the three Java releases. An attempt to d/l and 
> > install
> > any of them gets a lengthy error message, the gist of which seems to be 
> > either
> > (a) that there is no installer capable of installing them in my system
> > (x86_64), or (b) that I could install a 32bit package but that I must be 
> > warned
> > that this would involve a change of architecture. This is not helpful.
> > 
> > I am confused, because YaST knows that the this is a 64bit system and that 
> > the
> > JRE is a 64bit package, and it is also showing me 64bit packages. What 
> > exactly
> > is its problem?
> > 
> > And how can I get an appropriate Java plugin into Firefox?
> That's actually a FAQ and I wonder if there is some article about it 
> anywhere on the openSUSE wiki. If not I wonder if some documentation 
> contributor want to step up? ;-)
> Ok, your system is a 64bit installation. So the only way(s) getting a 
> usable Java plugin is either
> (a) switch Firefox and your favourite JRE to 32bit and install the
>      corresponding plugin package.
>      (It depends on your choice of the JRE (and if you have other Java
>      applications installed like Eclipse) what else you have to install
>      as 32bit binary.)
>      For example I have Java 1.5.0 (and the plugin) as i586 while I have
>      Java 1.6.0 as 64bit version (along Eclipse)
>      In YaST you can use the "Versions" tab to choose or switch the
>      architecture of a package.
> (b) Find any JRE from out there which contains a 64bit plugin.
>      People have reported that there is some Blackdown version (1.4.x)
>      which includes one. At least openSUSE doesn't ship any such JRE
>      (basically because Sun doesn't want to support that obviously)
> Wolfgang

Thanks to both of you.

I've found BTW that somebody (probably many more) has opened a bug about this
at Sun. Sun has put a note on it to the effect that a 64-bit plugin is
committed for Java v1.7. No mention about when this will happen.

I've also found the Blackdown Java v1.4.2, and will unstall it. Presumably I
will need first to uninstall the Java 1.4.2 that YaST installed. 

I'm assuming also that I will need to make v1.4.2 the default JRE. If so, how
do I do that?

Stan Goodman
Qiryat Tiv'on

REAL similes/metaphors by high school students; #6: Her vocabulary was as bad 
as, like, whatever.
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