On Mon, 18 Sep 2000 08:54:01 -0600, you wrote:

Hi Nick,

Um...I cannot have it as the same app...this is what my system looks

EACH supplier, will have a EJB deployed, which can be called from this
'virtual supplier'.  So the EJBs are deployed at the supplier's side,
wheras the servlet is deployed at the virtual supplier side.. :((

3) I have been told to use the global EJB name (or something like
that) to lookup the EJB?  so I thought "Stamp" would be the one.. :((

I've tried using java:comp/env/Stamp, it is just not found...maybe
that's because they are in different apps...I think it would worth a
try to deploy them locally in one app to test it out...

4) What exactly is that passwd/id for in the context?  isn't that used
to access the directory/naming service in Orion?  

Sorry if I sound too silly, as I am a newbie in orion/EJB stuff. :)

Thanks heaps for your help..

regards, James.

>1) I think the EJB and the servlet will have to be two modules in the same
>2) The ejb-ref should NOT be commented out.
>3) The lookup string should be "java:comp/env/Stamp", not "Stamp"
>4) The context should be set calling just new InitialContext() without args
>(the id/password being supplied in the datasource.xml).
>Good luck!
>At 06:56 PM 9/18/00 +1100, you wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>I have a urgent problem regarding EJB and servlet, I cannot find the 
>>home interface of the bean from the servlet (whereas a standalone 
>>client works very well)...Can anyone pls give me some hint as to what 
>>maybe be wrong here?  Below is the background info, sorry, it is kind 
>>of long...

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