On Fri, 24 Nov 2000, Gerald Gutierrez wrote:

> I've run into so many weird and absurd problems in Orion; all it would've 
> taken for me to solve the problem and submit a patch would be a grep in the 
> source tree. Alas, I cannot do this and I am stuck with an application 
> server that has many advantages and many disadvantages, which more or less 
> cancel each other out. Many bugs I post as problems to the mailing list, 
> many times without response, forcing me to submit some of them to bugzilla, 
> where they go unnoticed.

They don't go unnoticed. Your recognition of notice is, um, understandably

> Evermind's position, as stated on the FAQ, is that they would be SUED by 
> Sun if they made their source code public.
> What?! What is the rationale behind this conclusion???

Talk to Sun. J2EE licensing prevents an open source J2EE implementation
(although a "compatible" implementation of J2EE might be okay. I don't

Joseph B. Ottinger               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://cupid.suninternet.com/~joeo      HOMES.COM Developer

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