Hello all,

What the heck does it mean when I deploy an EJB .jar file and it says:

Auto-deploying ss.jar (ejb-jar.xml had been touched since the previous
deployment)... Error compiling file:/C:/ss/ss.jar: No DataSource found at

My datasource is an Interbase one and I have it set up for that. In
orion/config/data-sources.xml that is where I have the Interbase stuff
mapped. In /confid/application.xml it points to data-sources.xml. So I fail
to see why it is telling me something about HypersonicDS when I have no
mention of it anywhere. If I delete data-sources.xml, orion wont start. So
it must be reading it in. Is Hypersonic being hard-coded into Orion as a
default? Even so..if its reading in mine it should be working.

Any help would be appreciated.


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