I think that we also need an explanation of what goes in the field, not 
what are valid values that it accepts. Some fields I look at in the XML are 
totally a question to me and I don't know why you would put one value in 
when compared to another.

> I would like to see the documentation for the orion deployment
> descriptors fleshed out.  Right now it's sparse and choppy, with some
> sentences just cut off in the middle.  Verbose explanations with
> examples would be a major improvement.
> More than anything else, though, I think Orion needs a FAQ-O-MATIC.
> Jeff
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Magnus Stenman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 7:43 AM
>>To: Orion-Interest
>>Subject: Re: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]
>>stay tune for a little while longer (if you want to and are 
>>able to). There will be a clustering-howto released in roughly 
>>a week or so (no promises though, just an estimate), and yes 
>>there's plenty of support (and more to come). The doc will be 
>>kind of an 'umbrella doc' to the already released 
>>http-clustering-howto covering the other tiers of an application.
>>While on that note, what are the other especially wanted areas 
>>for improved/more elaborate documentation (howto's and 
>>similar)? Please be as specific as possible (ie the opposite 
>>of "improved overall documentation" :) and keep in mind that 
>>the security-primer is already in the pipe. Thanks in advance!
>>/Magnus Stenman, the Orion team
>>PS. Not getting a reply when asking where to send money do 
>>sound strange indeed. We're understaffed relative to the 
>>demand so we have a hard time getting back to sales queries 
>>etc, but actual ordering should not be any problem whatsoever. 
>>Can you please forward what you sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>>and to me as well and I'll try to see what has happened to it. Thanks!
>>----- Original Message ----- 
>>From: "Dylan Parker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: "Orion-Interest" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 7:33 PM
>>Subject: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]
>>> Hello, all.
>>> My company is about to drop Orion.
>>> The documentation issues, the dead website, the documentation issues,
>>> the absence of company responses, the documentation issues...
>>> We've contacted them asking where to send our money. Nothing back.
>>> In one last futile attempt to keep Orion afloat in my 
>>company a little
>>> longer, can anyone provide me with the following information?
>>> How does one do EJB Clustering with Orion?
>>> Has anyone made this work?
>>> Can anyone give some background on the configuration steps?
>>> If I don't hear anything... then JRun, here we come.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dylan Parker

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