I've worked with all of the other EJB Servers (Enhydra, JBoss, Jonas,
etc). I do find the OrionServer to be far better (nice complex O-R
mapping, web and app server in one, etc).

For documentation, I refer to www.orionsupport.com, which is doing a great

- Brian Chan

On Thu, 22 Feb 2001, Kemp Randy-W18971 wrote:

> The problem is that the Orion team is great at building a product, but need
> some lessons on marketing it.  Very few people on the list -- myself
> included -- say anything really negative about the product.  But I (and many
> others) have strong reservations about the documentation.  Granted, if you
> have worked with another EJB server, or have the patience to use a trial and
> error approach with the existing documentation, you can get things to work.
> But it is not how to really market a product.  Has anyone from Orion ever
> looked at the Jboss (www.jboss.org) or Jonas (www.evidian.com/jonas)
> documentation?  While it does not compare to products like Oracle or Jrun,
> it is getting better with each new release.  I am trying to implement some
> helpful suggestions to Orion to increase their marketing presence, and give
> them some leverage over other commercial class contenders, like Unify Ewave,
> and the open source products (Enhydra, Openejb, Jboss, Jonas).
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ray Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 6:53 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: RE: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]
> Dylan,
> I'm a new user so bear with me...Did you check http://www.orionsupport.com ?
> The last entry was 15 February 2001.  Read the Tuesday 13th Dec
> "Into the Future" entry.  It has some other notes and yes, I find it
> strange that a company is not responding about an offer of money.
> I've thought about going to Sybase for their products.  The
> documentation I've seen is strange and does not conform to what
> I've become to believe is a normal application server (weird names
> for products like "Jaguar CTS" doesn't help either ; at least Oracle has
> 09iAS).
> I have not tried clustering using Orion or any other server.
> Ray
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Dylan Parker
> Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 1:33 PM
> To: Orion-Interest
> Subject: EJB Clustering -- ANYONE? [Urgent!]
> Importance: High
> Hello, all.
> My company is about to drop Orion.
> The documentation issues, the dead website, the documentation issues,
> the absence of company responses, the documentation issues...
> We've contacted them asking where to send our money. Nothing back.
> In one last futile attempt to keep Orion afloat in my company a little
> longer, can anyone provide me with the following information?
> How does one do EJB Clustering with Orion?
> Has anyone made this work?
> Can anyone give some background on the configuration steps?
> If I don't hear anything... then JRun, here we come.
> Thanks,
> Dylan Parker

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