Le Tue, 07 Apr 2009 15:32:10 +0200, Robert Osfield <robert.osfi...@gmail.com> a 

> Hi All,
> On Tue, Apr 7, 2009 at 2:00 PM, Art Tevs <arti_t...@yahoo.de> wrote:
>> of course this would be also great. Universities have good possibilities
>> for hosting a conference. And even more, this would be a nice opportunity to
>> show OSG to young public :)
>> I would like to hear what Robert do think about it.
>> However if we decide to make just a user meeting, then university would be
>> to much, I think. So it depends on if there is enough interested people to
>> give some talks about OSG and products using it. Maybe Robert would be also
>> very interested in that?
>> Which university you was thinking about? Does it has a computer graphics
>> lab?
> I did wonder about the possibility having professional training course that
> those attending training would effectively pay for the instructors
> travel/accommodation and the venue, then make the last day an open day/user
> meeting that anyone could turn up at and we could have presentations from
> the likes of Art, Sukender, Cedric ;-)
> Organizing such a course would take more work, and might mean that a uni
> venue would be out of the question.  If we did have a big enough course then
> might be able entice others from across the pond across to give some
> training :-)
> Robert.

Hi all,

Hmmm okay, so "many people = university". Doesn't seem to be the case, or is it?
To Art: I did't ask anything yet, so is only an idea, nohing more. And there is 
a computer science research group with a few people specialized in 

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