Hi guys,

organizing a course is maybe a good idea, but I suppose that this will 
automaticly decrease the number of interested people, since they will need to 
pay then. If Bob and Paul would like to have such a training course, then why 
not. Of course we could split up the courses from the public talks, for 
example, as Robert said, first two days there are courses and in the last day 
there are just a free talks from people who like to present something. 

But I am not sure if universities would like to host commercial events like osg 
training courses?! Hence if we decide to have the courses in parallel, then we 
will need another venue. So the question is, if the people who usually give 
some training courses, are willing to do it again in Paris soon?

Cedric, Serge, Sukender which time does the winter semeter starts in france? 
The question is, if we ask the computer graphics lab of the paris' university 
for hosting our event, then we should make it during the semester time, so that 
the students could take this opportunity.

Serge, you think it would be possible to host the event liek this again in 
Tharsis? What about the public transportation system there? What about some 
off-work activities in that area?


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