Hi Pau,

Thanks Ulrich, but I think this set one parameter for each vertex, and I really 
need 32 values for each vertex (that's what I'm using multitexcoord) Finally I 
think I have this problem solved, I had some problems with the glew 
initialization. Now I'm having other problems uploading a texture to the GPU :P

Small correction, attribute arrays are vec4 arrays, so you can have 4 32-bit float attributes per vertex with one attribute array. Most cards support at least 16 attribute arrays, and in OpenGL 2.x the standard vertex attributes take up spots in those 16+. Including TexCoords! So when you're using texcoords for multiple texture units, you're actually using attribute arrays, just with a less general name.

I had a project where I needed 27 floats per vertex (spherical harmonics coefficients) so I used 7 attribute arrays (9 to 15) to store them, then used a = i / 4 and b = i % 4 in the shader to get the ith coefficient (where a+9 gives the attribute array to index into and b gives the element in the vec4).

I would recommend using attribute arrays (use arrays numbered 6 and up or just count down from 15 so you don't collide with the standard attributes) since in OpenGL 3.x that's how all rendering works (i.e. you choose in which attribute array your vertices go, in which your texcoords go, etc. - there are no predefined arrays named "vertex array" and "texcoord array for unit 0" anymore.). It's also much more general and makes it clear that you don't actually want to do texturing with these values, but something else. For your 32 floats you would use 8 arrays, perhaps 8 to 15.

On a general note, avoid using straight GL code wherever you can. Even if you wanted to use straight texcoord arrays for what you want to do, you could have just used geometry->setTexCoordArray(unit, array) instead of glMultiTexCoord4f. It leads to cleaner code, less problems, and OSG can find ways to improve the performance of your app in ways you might not know about. In this case, I assume you are using glMultiTexCoord4f between glBegin and glEnd, in which case using vertex+texcoord arrays in an osg::Geometry would be a big speed gain for anything but non-trivial geometry (even if your geometry changes per frame, in which case you'd do geometry->setUseDisplayLists(false) ).

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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