On 04/03/2013 07:49 PM, Shayne Tueller wrote:

My comments or inquries were in reference to the tutorial as
presented in this thread.

Careful. Many people (including me) are reading this via the mailing list, not forum - there is a gateway between the two, so forum posts go to the list and list posts show up on the forum.

Thus I had no clue which "tutorial as presented in this thread" are you referring to. For me the thread started with your questions about the OSG not building. And only now I see that in addition to the Wiki page there is another, two months old mail (in another e-mail thread) from Nathan Collins from the 4th February explaining how to build OSG using MinGW tools (unsupported way, btw). Or is there yet another tutorial that you have actually used?

For the future it would help to make such references explicit ("I followed the tutorial here: http://xxxx and this happened ...")

Of course I don't expect the OSG wiki doc
to go into explicit detail regarding the Android NDK. My point is
that if someone posts a tutorial (in this case the main gist of this
thread), there should be more detail so that a novice can come in,
follow its steps, and be successful in completing the desired task.
Obviously there are some steps missing, hence the reason for this

Right, correct. However, please do address that to Nathan - you haven't specified that it was actually his tutorial, so it is likely that nobody has realized that that is the one you are talking about. Nathan also seems to be using the mailing list, not forum, so he likely missed the question entirely.

On the other hand, OSG and NDK is *not* meant for complete novices, especially OSG on Android is still a bit rough for various reasons. So let's be reasonable here - a novice is actually expected to read the documentation before starting on something (like the Cygwin issue ...)

It appears that I would be best served by following your
recommendation of following the steps provided on the wiki. It's
becoming obvious that taking this course of action will give me the
greatest chance of success in getting the OSG working for Android
rather than following what is presented here.

Give that a shot. That tutorial is tried, it does work and is using the official (Google supported) way of building applications for Android. However, you may still encounter bugs - like the last compilation error you had. That is the nature of the beast, because the NDK is quite fast moving target and Google is prone to fix one bug and introduce two new ones in every release. Furthermore, their documentation for it is pretty much non-existent.

In addition, OSG is also moving forward, so you must be flexible and actually understand what you are doing. Don't expect that simply copy & pasting commands into the shell will work. That is why I recommended you to first try some of the NDK examples so that you see how things are actually supposed to fit together.

Again, thanks to all who have taken the time out to address my
questions and concerns. I'm sure there will be more...

You are welcome and feel free to ask if you any further issues.


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