Hi Charles,

Quoting "Charles R. \"Rusty\" Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> I would like to request there be more fields for customer contact
> information such as phone, alt phone fax and a few custom fields that can be
> relabeled to meet the needs of the OTRS implementor. Right now we have to
> depend on secondary software to lookup customer info and just being able to
> click a 'customer info' link at a ticket view would save tons of time. Here
> is a sample of what we might need that others could add to:

I understand the need for such a feature, no question about this.
In general there is the problem of proper usage and maintenace of
the custom fields in the OTRS (and the underlying database).

I can say from practical experience, that once a critical number of
companies ans support contracts is reached (two or three dozens probably)
nobody will be able to track changes that have been made to your customer
database, so these changes will not be available in the OTRS.

The solution would be a synchronisation mechanism, that takes the
values from your customer database and inserts them into the OTRS
customer tables. This part of course has to be done individually
for your company.

> You get the idea... an idea as it would relate to OTRS, in our custom
> software packages for measurement systems we have solved custom field issues
> through providing eight additional text fields, 8 numeric and two date
> fields per unique item record. Along with that is a master table of 'labels'
> by which you can specify what those fields are used for. This allows the end
> user (OTRS admin in this case) to label Custom1 as Product Custom2 as
> Version, CustomDate1 as Support Contract Expiration, etc. This keeps OTRS
> development from forcing people to use canned contact info and allows some
> flexibility for the end user to configure their own contact system. When
> displaying custom fields you only show fields for which there is a
> corresponding label in your label table.

The display of the customer information in OTRS would then consist
of read only data. I could imagine a frontend (in the admin section)
where the various fields in the database can be individually labeled
and for the different screen (queue vieew, zoom, etc.) the admin could
decide where and how the information will be presented, e.g. name and
contract status or name, contract status and possible contact persons.

> CT


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